Rad Idea: Stress Relief

Rad Idea: Stress Relief

Dr. John Chuback a cardiovascular surgeon, personal development and success training expert, and author of “The Straight A Handbook: The 50 Most Powerful Secrets for Ultimate Success In and Out of the Classroom” shares advice on how to reduce stress.

Control your mind. As a cardiovascular surgeon, I have performed countless, highly technical, high-risk surgical procedures. Such operations would be intensely stress provoking for any individual who had not spent many years training for such experiences. However, in the same operating room, an observer – a medical student for example – feels no stress during cardiac surgery because they bear no responsibility. So, we see that stress as an actual entity doesn’t really exist. Stress is only experienced in the mind of the individual. Stress is a feeling. It’s a perception of a situation; it’s not the situation itself. Once one masters one’s mind, stress begins to gradually dissipate and be replaced with self-confidence, self-control and tranquility. It is essential that we understand the workings of our mind in order to take control of how we will respond to the challenging situations life has to offer. This is perhaps the most empowering skill one can acquire, develop and perfect – the ability to control one’s mind.

Seme Eroh, author of “When the Fog Lifts: Gaining Clarity After Chaos and Confusion,” shares more advice.

“Identify your triggers so you can avoid them. Our lives are so busy and we get many things that add to stress but there are only a few things that really cause stress,” Eroh says. “Learn to peel the onions slowly (pace yourself) and identify the real cause of your stress so you can learn how to deal with it. Ignoring or hiding stressors under layers harms you in the long run.”

“Formulate a plan. Develop a system or community to relieve stress – take a walk in the park, meditate, go out with friends, check in with a close friend, watch a movie or whatever makes you feel less stressed.”

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