Director’s Cut

Home Director’s Cut


Being the director of an imaging department offers lots of rewards, but also sometimes presents its fair share of challenges.

What I Wish I Knew Then

We have all heard the saying, “If I only knew then what I know now.” This is certainly true of my journey in this amazing career and wonderful life.


By Mario Pistilli I have to admit that one of my biggest flaws is effective delegation. It is something I have really been working on in my career and still have a long way...

Difficult Conversations – Asking Questions

By Mario Pistilli I reached out to some colleagues asking if they had any ideas for a topic for this article, and the overwhelming response was “difficult conversations.”...

Workplace Diversity – What Can You Do?

By Mario Pistilli This issue of ICE with the cover story of diversity in the workplace was planned in late 2019, long before these most recent events including the murder of...

New Approaches to Employee Recognition

By Mario Pistilli We all need a pat on the back every once in a while and to know that we are doing a good job. I am sure most of you try and thank your staff during your...

Taking Care of Grandpas

By Mario Pistilli I have spent much time when coaching and mentoring others talking about focusing on your personal why. I encourage others to really spend time in being...

COVID Crisis

By Mario Pistilli I am not sure what the situation will be by the time this prints and reaches your hands. It is now March 25, as I sit to think about this. The words are...

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